Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Mae govannen, might I speak with you a moment?

Hullo friends of lotro! (Lord of the rings online)

Well I had a recent desire, rather for the first time in a while, to find some cosmetics for my characters the other day, but was slightly disappointed that most sites haven't been updated in a while. So, let's try and change that!
Beginning with classes, I intend to eventually cover races, classes, and then other stuff for fun like casual wear and maybe party clothes. In all cases I'll try to make everything fit together perfectly and not have any "out of place" pieces with sets. Anyway, enough talk. In the words of Saruman "we have work to do". Good luck and I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I will! 

Thanks for patience rank 8,
Cielor the Lore Master. 

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